Our Mission

The leaders of In-Depth Studies seek to encourage and assist people to grow in the likeness of Christ. We seek to help believers find God’s solutions to their problems by giving them guidance in how to live out the truths of Scripture, and to share the truths of the gospel with those who do not yet know Jesus Christ. We offer conversational forums, training events, and online resources. Giving God all the glory He deserves.

What We Believe

Our theological point of view is that of the Reformation in that we hold to the Doctrines of Grace (TULIP). We differ from Reformation theology in areas such as infant baptism and the Sabbath. We also teach from the perspective of New Covenant Theology. Take your time and browse our site – we hope we can be a useful resource for you!

Our Ministry Leaders

Geoff Volker
Geoff VolkerDirector
Geoff grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in a Roman Catholic family but became a believer in 1970 just before his junior year at Penn State. Upon graduation he enrolled at Covenant Theological Seminary where he graduated in 1975 and became a Presbyterian pastor in Cincinnati, Ohio. Geoff has been married to Priscilla for 43 years. They have four grown children and eleven grandchildren and live in Mesa, Arizona.

Geoff has had a fruitful worldwide ministry on university campuses, as a pastor, bible teacher, radio teacher, writer, and as the founder of In-Depth Studies Studies, which seeks to equip the believer with a theological foundation.Geoff is now one of the pastors of New Covenant Bible Fellowship, Gilbert, Arizona and the Director of In-Depth Studies.

PAUL HONEYCUTTMinistry Coordinator
Paul was born and raised in Southern California and grew up attending the Marine Corps Chapel in Tustin. After military service overseas Paul returned to California and in the spring of 1971 he was brought to the Lord through the music ministry of Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa. During his first year as a believer Paul spent countless hours reading the Bible and as a result he began to see and understand the Doctrines of Grace. Paul soon left Calvary and began attending a Community Bible Church in Huntington Beach.

Paul spent over 20 years in the advertising and marketing field and in 1994 relocated to Phoenix, Arizona to take a marketing job. Shortly after arriving Paul was invited to attend an early morning Bible study lead by Geoff Volker of In-Depth Studies. Paul soon began attending the church where Geoff was one of the elders/pastors. Over the next several years Paul and Geoff developed an ongoing ministry working relationship which has led to wide variety of opportunities for teaching, conferences, audio and video series, as well as a radio course in New Covenant Theology.

Paul now serves as one of the elder/pastors at New Covenant Bible Fellowship, and Ministry Coordinator at In-Depth Studies. He is married to Karen, a father of four, and grandfather of fifteen.

Join the Conversation

In-Depth Studies seeks to assist people to grow in the likeness of Christ by giving them guidance in how to live out the truths of Scripture through conversation, counseling, forums, conferences and education.